
NEW DEADLINES! Submit your documentary and be part of the 9th edition of Conecta

Until August 19, it will be possible to apply for different industry sections and workshops dedicated to Latin American documentary filmmakers at the meeting that will be held in hybrid format in December of this year. The DOCS IN PROGRESS FIDOCS + CONECTA section also has a new application deadline: August 12.

Producers, sales agents, distributors, exhibitors, financiers, and representatives from some of the world’s most important markets and festivals participate every year in this essential event to foster new connections within the international documentary industry.

Another of Conecta’s objectives is to contribute to the training of Latin American filmmakers, which is why the meeting also includes workshops that will allow the selected participants to strengthen their projects in development in training spaces with notable mentors and participate in group and individual meetings with international experts.

«Given the growing need in Latin America for spaces that boost documentary projects at any stage of development, Conecta’s workshops and activities are designed not only as a training and learning opportunity but also as a platform for internationalizing non-fiction works from across the region. Therefore, we invite documentary filmmakers from Latin America to submit their applications and contact the organization if they have any questions regarding their projects’ eligibility or require more information,» states Diego Pino. Executive Director of the Chilean Corporation of Documentary CCDoc, event organizer.

Connected and Connect with Distribution are sections for one-on-one meetings with international industry representatives. Connected is aimed at documentary feature film projects and non-fiction series in development, while Connect with Distribution is for documentary feature film projects or non-fiction series that are in editing, post-production, or completed but have yet to be premiered. Both calls close on Monday, August 19.

This year, Conecta also includes two sections dedicated to training, featuring distinguished mentors who will guide various selected projects and give them a boost in their initial phases during the workshops organized by the meeting. The first is the Funding and Market Application Workshop, which, for the third year, will be led by Isabel Arrate, Executive Director of the IDFA Bertha Fund. The workshop is designed for Latin American documentaries in the development stage. Unlike last year, it is not required for the project to be a debut film to apply. The projects will participate in a two-day workshop, as well as one-on-one meetings and other industry and networking activities at Conecta. This section requires in-person attendance at the event. Both workshop calls close on Monday, August 12 (new deadline).

The second workshop is Connect with the Roots. The fourth edition of this workshop will be led by Bruni Burres, Consultant of the Documentary Film Program of the Sundance Institute, and Paola Castillo, Executive Director of the Chilean Corporation of Documentary CCDoc. It is designed for filmmakers from indigenous communities in Latin America, with projects in the development or early production stage. Selected projects will participate in a two-day workshop, one-on-one meetings, and other industry and networking activities at Conecta. In-person attendance at the event is mandatory to participate.

For the third consecutive year, Conecta will host the The Whickers Pitch in partnership with the British fund The Whickers. As a novelty this year, it will have its own open call aimed at early-stage development projects from Latin American directors working on their first feature-length documentary. The selected projects will participate in the public pitch, one-on-one meetings, and other industry and networking activities at Conecta. This section also requires in-person attendance at the event and accepts applications until Monday, August 12.

In addition to this rich program of activities, there is the Docs in Progress Fidocs + Conecta section. The call for entries closes on Monday, August 12 (new deadline).

Each of these activities and sections of Conecta offers awards for the winning projects at the end of the meeting. Some of these awards include accreditations to attend documentary festivals and markets in Europe and Latin America, such as the Cannes Docs Award, Sheffield DocFest Award, DocSP Award, DocsMX Award, and Encuentros Australes Award. Other awards include monetary incentives and mentoring for the film, such as The Whickers Award, the ADOC Award, or the Mediocielo Films Award.

Conecta Communications
Natalia Raipan