The fourth edition of Conecta will take place within a relevant socio-political context of our brief republican history. We have lived weeks of protests that led millions of people to the streets, to demand greater social justice and recover our dignity. A social explosion. A citizen fight against the power that resides in an elite, and that looks to build a new collective memoir; a fight for cultural changes that will redefine our identity. An awakening to see that it is possible to raise – among all – a new society.
In the midst of this extraordinary unified force we have suffered deaths, mutilations and injuries, as the result of repression and systematic violation of human rights. And as an infamous symbol that repeats itself continuously, the mutilation to the eyes. They do not want us to see, and above all to look at each other because when that happens we unite as a community, it is boycotted, it is demanded. This is a pain that will always remain with ourselves. A pain that reaffirms our work effort and makes us reflect on our role, where there are more questions than answers, but it awakens and encourages us. Many creators, filmmakers, have come to record this moment as a milestone, as a protest, as a memoir. Others investigate, spread the word, collaborate, support, see.
Documentary allows us to see reality, to imagine it countless times, to enlighten it, to create reflection, generate emotions and empathy with worlds and realities that cannot be seen or do not want to be seen. Today, more than ever, it is important to reflect on our regard, our possibilities; to value the diversity of our community and jointly elaborate a way to contribute to this historical moment.
For this year we hope that Conecta can be a unique edition and, at the same time, with unexpected events. In last October we learned that uncertainty is part of this path, that sometimes it scares us but we also know that as long as we are together we will have the strength that comes from the overwhelming energy of all the millions of people that found each other again. We also know that there is a long way to go for a more egalitarian society, where impunity has no place.
We welcome you with the certainty that the world needs stories that connect us with our communities, those audiences that today are agents of change here and across the continent. We come with powerful energy and more desire than ever to receive our Latin American sisters and brothers from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, as well as from the United States and France, plus our more than 50 guests.
We thank the partners who have been with us from the beginning with their awards -Kiné Images, Sonamos, DocMontevideo and DocsMX, which IDFAcademy joined two years ago- and we celebrate new awards that are added to our meeting event: Film4Climate Post Production Award of Climate4Change , Filmmarket Hub, R2Media and Digital Sofa.
We also thank the funding of the National Audiovisual Development Fund of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage, to ProChile and to the British Council; we thank the support of the Santiago Library, Matucana 100, Campus Latino and of course to our friends: Ecocinema, the Cultural Center of Spain, the Faculty of Communications of the Catholic University, Hub Providencia, the Association of Independent Producers API and the Association of Documentalists of Chile ADOC.
We thank you to all those who will participate in Conecta, for their willingness to share as a community and create networks so that our stories continue to grow and are seen on a large scale, they are essential to enlighten the society we are creating. We have woken up and we will keep it up this way!
Paola Castillo and Flor Rubina
Executive Directors
Chilean Documentary Corporation CCDoc
@copyright Corporación Chilena del Documental CCDoc