Guest Chile / On-site

Red de Salas de Cine de Chile


Leonardo Torres Vergara

President of the guild


Red de Salas de Cine de Chile

A network of independent, decentralized and collaborative movie theaters, we seek quality spaces for the exhibition of films and the formation of audiences. Our axes: strengthening of our work teams, improvement of infrastructure and technology, development of audience and management plans, acquisition and dissemination of film content. We seek to expand and democratize the cultural offer, offering national, Latin American and other films.

Leonardo Torres Vergara

President of the trade association Red salas de cine de Chile, a national film exhibition network, in existence since 2017 and Executive Director of INSOMNIA Teatro Condell, an exhibition space with more than seventeen years of experience in the dissemination of national, Latin American and world content.

Areas of interest

Unreleased films and documentaries that may have an impact on our territory.

Other guests

Centro Arte Alameda

Guest Chile / On-site

Globo Play Adquisiciones

Guest Brazil / Online


Guest Brazil / On-site


Guest Germany / Online


Guest Spain / On-site

Sunny Side of the Doc

Guest France / On-Site


Guest Chile / On-site

CineBH – Festival Internacional de Cine de Belo Horizonte

Guest Brazil / Online


Guest Chile / on-site

Festival de Cine Chileno FECICH

Guest Chile / On-site

Frontera Sur

Guest Chile / Online

National Geographic Documentary Films

Guest USA / Online


Guest Chile / On-site

Al Jazeera Documentary Channel

Guest Qatar / Online

Chicken & Egg Films

Guest USA / Online


Guest Chile / On-site

Sundance Film Festival

Guest USA / Online

Cineteca Nacional de Chile

Guest Chile / On-site

Autlook Filmsales

Guest Austria / Online


Guest Chile / On-site

Centro Arte Alameda

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Denmark / Online

National Geographic Documentary Films

Guest USA / Online

Visions Du Réel

Guest Switzerland / Online

Miradoc Estreno y Butaca Liberada – Corporación Chilena del Documental CCDoc

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Brazil / Online

SUNDANCE Documentary film program

Guest USA / On-site

Cinélatino, Rencontres de Toulouse / FIDLab – FIMarseille

Guest France / Online


Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Chile / On-site

CNEX Foundation & CNEX Studio

Guest China | Online

Toronto International Film Festival

Guest Canada / Online

Cineteca Nacional de Chile

Guest Chile / On-site

Sala de Cine de Ñuñoa

Guest Chile / On-site

3boxmedia International Sales

Guest Germany / Online

One World

Guest Czech Republic / Online

ARTE France

Guest France / On-site

Utopia Docs

Guest Brazil-Portugal / On-site

Canal Curta!

Guest Brazil / Online

LatAm cinema

Guest Uruguay / On-site

One World

Guest Czech Republic / Online

Canal 13C

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Canada / Online


Guest USA / Online

Limonero Films

Guest Spain / Online


Guest Republic of Korea / Online

International Documentary Association IDA

Guest USA / On-site

Sheffield DocFest

Guest United Kingdom / Online


Guest Mexico / Online