Guest Chile / Online

Red Salas de Cine de Chile


Cynthia García Calvo



Red Salas de Cine de Chile

Red Salas de Cine de Chile is a trade association that brings together different exhibition spaces in Chile. It seeks to articulate independent movie theaters in a decentralized way, with the objective of promoting the circulation of national and foreign audiovisual productions, providing access to quality content, and encouraging the formation and mediation of reflective audiences.

Cynthia García Calvo

Cynthia García Calvo is a producer and programmer. Trained in journalism, she has worked in various media, being for eight years Editor-in-Chief of LatAm cinema. In 2017, Cynthia founded the production company CYAN in Santiago de Chile. She is a programmer at various film festivals, and since 2023, she has been part of the Red Salas de Cine de Chile team.

Areas of interest

Human Rights, environment, gender, diversity, inclusion.

Other guests


Guest Canada / Online

LatAm cinema

Guest Uruguay / On-site

Warner Bros. Discovery / Max / HBO

Guest United States / On-site

Red de Salas de Cine de Chile

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest USA / Online

Cinema Tropical

Guest USA / Online


Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Chile / Online

Compañía de Cine

Guest Argentina / On-site


Guest Mexico / Online

Canal Curta!

Guest Brazil / Online


Guest Chile / On-site

Al Jazeera Documentary Channel

Guest Qatar / Online

ARTE France

Guest France / On-site


Guest Netherlands / On-site

Centro de Cine y Creación – Cine CCC

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Chile / On-site

Sheffield DocFest

Guest United Kingdom / Online

Visions du Réel

Guest Switzerland / Online

Utopia Docs

Guest Brazil-Portugal / On-site

Chicken & Egg Films

Guest USA / Online

3boxmedia International Sales

Guest Germany / Online


Guest Brazil / On-site

Globo Play Adquisiciones

Guest Brazil / Online


Guest Brazil / Online

Cineteca Nacional de Chile

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Germany / Online

Insomnia – Teatro Condell

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest France / Online

SUNDANCE Documentary film program

Guest USA / On-site


Guest Chile / On-site

One World

Guest Czech Republic / Online

Centro Arte Alameda

Guest Chile / On-site

DMZ International Documentary Film Festival

Guest South Korea / Online

Visions Du Réel

Guest Switzerland / Online

Limonero Films

Guest Spain / Online

Miradoc Estreno y Butaca Liberada – Corporación Chilena del Documental CCDoc

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Chile / Online

Festival de Cine Chileno FECICH

Guest Chile / On-site

Points North Institute

Guest USA / On-site

Red Salas de Cine de Chile

Guest Chile / Online

Frontera Sur

Guest Chile / Online


Guest Chile / On-site

Cineteca Nacional de Chile

Guest Chile / On-site

Doc Society

Guest Global / online

CineBH – Festival Internacional de Cine de Belo Horizonte

Guest Brazil / Online

Festival de Cine Chileno FECICH

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Spain / On-site

CNEX Foundation & CNEX Studio

Guest China | Online

Centro Arte Alameda

Guest Chile / On-site