Guest Chile / On-site

Sala de Cine de Ñuñoa


Javiera Leal



Sala de Cine de Ñuñoa

The Sala de Cine de Ñuñoa is a space created by the Municipality of Ñuñoa and its Cultural Corporation during 2022, with the aim of promoting the formation of audiences and artistic mediation, with a diverse free programming aimed at all audiences, contributing to the alternative circuits of film exhibition.

Javiera Leal

Audiovisual producer and film programmer, graduated from the University of Chile with a degree in Film and Television. She is currently part of the programming team of FIDOCS (International Documentary Film Festival of Santiago) and programmer of the Sala de Cine de Ñuñoa, a free and alternative exhibition venue in Santiago.

Areas of interest

Human rights, LGBTQ+, gender topics, first films, short films, senior citizens, indigenous peoples, films made by collectives, children’s and family films.

Other guests

Cineteca Nacional de Chile

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Chile / On-site

DMZ International Documentary Film Festival

Guest South Korea / Online


Guest Chile / On-site

Al Jazeera Documentary Channel

Guest Qatar / Online


Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Chile / On-site


Guest United States / Online

Cinélatino, Rencontres de Toulouse / FIDLab – FIMarseille

Guest France / Online

Visions du Réel

Guest Switzerland / Online

One World

Guest Czech Republic / Online

Sala de Cine de Ñuñoa

Guest Chile / On-site

Utopia Docs

Guest Brazil-Portugal / On-site

Sundance Documentary Film Program

Guest USA / Online

Limonero Films

Guest Spain / Online

Centro Arte Alameda

Guest Chile / On-site

Canal Curta!

Guest Brazil / Online

Compañía de Cine

Guest Argentina / On-site


Guest Brazil / Online

ARTE France

Guest France / On-site


Guest Denmark / Online


Guest Germany / Online

Frontera Sur

Guest Chile / Online

SUNDANCE Documentary film program

Guest USA / On-site

Chicken & Egg Films

Guest USA / Online


Guest Netherlands / On-site

3boxmedia International Sales

Guest Germany / Online

Globo Play Adquisiciones

Guest Brazil / Online

Points North Institute

Guest USA / On-site


Guest Chile / On-site

National Geographic Documentary Films

Guest USA / Online

The Whickers

Guest UK / On-site

Red de Salas de Cine de Chile

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Chile / On-site

Festival de Cine Chileno FECICH

Guest Chile / On-site

Miradoc Estreno y Butaca Liberada – Corporación Chilena del Documental CCDoc

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Mexico / Online

Centro de Cine y Creación – Cine CCC

Guest Chile / On-site

Festival de Cine Chileno FECICH

Guest Chile / On-site


Guest Chile / On-site

Sheffield DocFest

Guest United Kingdom / Online

Autlook Filmsales

Guest Austria / Online


Guest Chile / On-site


Guest France / Online


Guest USA / Online

International Documentary Association IDA

Guest USA / On-site

Red Salas de Cine de Chile

Guest Chile / Online

Warner Bros. Discovery / Max / HBO

Guest United States / On-site

Chicken & Egg Films

Guest USA / Online


Guest Chile / Online