Directed by her granddaughter, the documentary Ruth explores the legacy of Ruth Cardoso: a woman with an aggregating spirit who, as an anthropologist, professor, and first lady of Brazil, defied convention to promote social equality. In an emotional celebration of her many facets, Ruth inspires by revealing her struggle for a fairer country.
Julia Zylbersztajn is a Brazilian researcher and archive producer. Her body of work includes more than 30 projects, including television programs, series and films, made independently or for the main streaming channels. Ruth is her directorial debut.
Creative producer who has led the development and fundraising of high-impact projects in streaming and film. Currently, she heads the Film division at Piloto and is dedicated to independent projects.
After producing the films he directed, like The Space in Between – Marina Abramovic and Brazil (2016) and Cravos (2018), Marco Del Fiol started producing documentaries directed by new talents with unusual themes and narrative consistency, such as: My Dear Supermarket by Tali Yankelevich (2019).
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