Mapa Mágico de Chile is a documentary series where magician Jean Paul Olhaberry explores Chile’s most enigmatic places, uncovering how ancient magic and spirituality blend with the country’s nature and culture. In each episode, he has authentic experiences, providing deep reflections and a genuine connection with his surroundings.
Gonzalo Vergara is a Chilean director with extensive documentary experience. He directed the official Santiago 2023 documentary and series like «Mapa Mágico de Chile.» His innovative approach emphasizes Chilean identity, with projects like «Amateur» and campaigns for ProChile and Imagen Chile.
Rafaella Tonini, a graduate of the San Antonio de los Baños Film School in Cuba, has a remarkable background in production. She has worked on the series Amateur, as well as Sucesos and Mapa Mágico de Chile, showcasing her commitment to quality and storytelling in documentary filmmaking.
Jean Paul Olhaberry is a renowned Chilean magician who has also ventured into documentary filmmaking. He starred in and produced several works, including the short film Arcano and the series Mapa Mágico de Chile, exploring the country’s mysticism and cultural richness.
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